Mariana Sica
Levando às pessoas mais que óleos essenciais, Mariana Sica representa qualidade de vida e bem-estar através da aromaterapia.
Seu objetivo é ajudar pessoas a melhorarem sua saúde física, emocional e mental através de soluções naturais, bem como incentivá-las a terem seu próprio negócio.
Desenvolver uma identidade visual que transmitisse as características da Mariana e também remetesse ao bem-estar e benefícios dos óleos essenciais.
Usando uma tipografia customizada com o desenho do “s” exclusivo para a identidade, os traços orgânicos do logo expressam a calmaria que o óleos transmitem e justificam a escolha dos tons pastel como cores da marca.
As maiores inspirações para o projeto foram os óleos essenciais. A identidade visual também conta com uma biblioteca de ícones em formato de fonte dingbat.
Bringing people more than essential oils, Mariana Sica represents quality of life and well-being through aromatherapy. The goal is to help people improve their physical, emotional and mental health through natural solutions, as well as to encourage them to have their own business.
The Challenge
To develop a visual identity that conveys the characteristics of Mariana and also refers to well-being and the benefits of essential oils.
To develop a visual identity that conveys the characteristics of Mariana and also refers to well-being and the benefits of essential oils.
The Solution
By making use of a custom type and with exclusive design on the letter “s” of the wordmark, the organic features of the logo helps to express the calm feeling that the oils transmit, and justify the choice of pastel tones as the brand's colors. The biggest inspirations for the project were essential oils. The visual identity also has a library of icons in a dingbat font format.
By making use of a custom type and with exclusive design on the letter “s” of the wordmark, the organic features of the logo helps to express the calm feeling that the oils transmit, and justify the choice of pastel tones as the brand's colors. The biggest inspirations for the project were essential oils. The visual identity also has a library of icons in a dingbat font format.